ParaHunt - paranormal investigations
Para Hunt
when you need answers

PARA HUNT is a not-for-profit organization based in Haldimand-Norfolk County in Southern Ontario, Canada, researching the paranormal locally and around the world.
We bring professionalism and confidentiality to each investigation. We understand that calling a team to investigate your private home or property is not an easy decision.
Above all else, we respect your right to privacy.
Our mission Statement
Our group's mission is to investigate claims of paranormal activity by using scientific methods to determine if there is factual evidence to back up the claims.
We at PARA HUNT take our investigations very seriously and are not in this field just for a "thrill". Our members are in PARA HUNT because we have all experienced the paranormal and we too are searching for answers using scientific tools not just feelings.
We wish to help those that are troubled or just curious about the activity they are experiencing and are looking for either validation of the claims or other "non-paranormal" explanations.
We do not charge the client for the investigation. All services are FREE.