Chakradance with Claudia
Selkirk, Ontario in Haldimand-Norfolk,
Ontario, Canada
Chakra System
The role of the chakra system is to help regulate the human energy field, commonly known as the aura. The aura is a dynamic, energetic matrix, which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being.'

Crown Chakra – The Dance of the Soul
The dance of the crown chakra is a devotional dance, one in a long line of dances that embrace the religious and the spiritual. In ancient Shamanic practice, from the Celts to the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Asia, dance was used to commune with the spirits. In Ancient Egypt certain ritual dances were crucial to the successful outcome of religious rites. In Chakradance we open the gateway to the soul through this meditative sacred dance. This is a dancing prayer; our soul’s turn to dance.
Third Eye Chakra - The Dance of Intuition
At the third eye chakra, we can lift up into ecstatic and altered states of consciousness through trance-dance. The practice of trance-dance is hugely popular throughout the world, and has its heritage in many of the ancient cultures of South East Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas. The movements tend to be simple and repetitive. The dance of the third eye is the dance of the intuitive mind. Each dancer drifts into his or her own visual universe of images, colors, and insights, achieving a deeply meditative state.
Throat Chakra - The Dance of Expression
The movements of the throat chakra have been inspired by many ancient dances. So many cultures all over the planet interweave the voice and dance to increase the awareness of spirit. The Greek word horus refers to both dance and song, and is the origin of the word chorus. In Ancient Egypt, performers often danced while reciting poetry, while in Hawaii, chant and dance are blended to communicate the story. In Tibetan culture, mystical rituals performed by monks interweave chanting and sound (gyaling horns, cymbals and bells), with delicate movements of the body. In Chakradance, we weave sound and movement in a ‘mantra-dance’ which intensifies our self-expression and creativity.
Heart Chakra - The Dance of Love
To dance the heart chakra is to move with lightness, joy and compassion, as reflected in dances from ancient Spain, Egypt and China. Many of these dances used exaggerated arm movements to gently whirl into deep states of joyful harmony. Other dances of China symbolized balance, where mimetic movements expressed the union of heaven and earth. We’ve drawn inspiration from these dances, and move the arms to feel uplifted, light and free. Inspired by the whirling of the ancient ones, we dance a soaring journey of love, compassion and joy.
Solar Plexus Chakra - The Dance of Power
To dance the solar plexus chakra is to call on the warrior dances of the Maori, ancient Morocco, Spain, Mexico, Brazil. These warrior dances were masculine, powerful, athletic and virile, as they rhythmically mimicked the art of the fight. In Chakradance, fast dynamic movements ignite the fire in our belly, fuelling our dance with energy and strength. Reining all this fiery energy in, movements then become strong, purposeful and clearly defined as our inner warrior emerges triumphant, brave and strong.
Sacral Chakra - The Dance of Sensuality
The dance of the sacral chakra often relates to the feminine dances found in the Middle East, South America and Hawaii. Dances from these regions celebrate many of the qualities associated with the sacral, including emotions and sexuality. This sacral dance can be slow and sensual, or flirtatious and erotic, with fluid movements of the hips and belly. Through this dance, the dancer can transform into a gypsy, a belly dancer, an ancient goddess, as he or she surrenders to the serpentine movements of the feminine. In this sensual dance the connecting force of Eros is evoked, and its energy infuses throughout our bodies.
Root/Base Chakra - The Dance of Instincts
The dance of the base chakra draws inspiration from tribal dancing, as found in the indigenous cultures of Africa, Australia and North America. These dances are linked to our roots, survival and grounding. In Chakradance we envisage dancing around an ancient campfire, bringing our own tribal dance to life. We also draw inspiration from the natural movements found in the animal kingdom. Shamans believe that animals can teach humans the power of instinctual energy and animal dances are deeply entrenched in shamanic ritual. A tiger, a snake, a dragon may join you – all animals whose energy corresponds to the base chakra energies.