Chakradance with Claudia
Selkirk, Ontario in Haldimand-Norfolk,
Ontario, Canada
Chakradance Workshops
The joy of experiencing Chakradance in a class setting is the power of group energy. Although each participant is dancing their own individual journey, when a group of people dance together with the intention of healing, the energy and healing is heightened. Chakradance offers courses and classes all over the world.
7 Keys to Freedom - Intro Class
Class Length: 60 minutes
Based on the CD and DVD of the same name, "7 Keys to Freedom" is a wonderful Introduction to Chakradance, so you can get a feel for this practice before deciding to commit to a whole cycle in greater depth.
Awakening - 9 Week Cycle
IClass Length: 90 minutes per class
Awakening is designed for both beginners and regular Chakradance participants. It begins with an introductory overview, and goes on to explore a different major chakra each week, before concluding with an integration class.
This cycle will gently awaken each of your seven chakras and help you to discover where your energy is flowing and also where you have blockages. Dancing through your chakra system regularly will release blocked energy and help you to feel more alive and energized. It will open you up to insights about your life, and bring balance and health to your whole system.
Journeying Series
IWorkshop Length: 120 minutes per workshop
The Journeying Series consists of seven workshops, each offering a deeper experience of the 7 major chakras.This series has been designed for participants who are ready for deep inner transformational work.
Discover all the facets of who you are, gain clarity and insight, and reconnect with your true, authentic self. As your outer world shifts into alignment with your inner world, be open to discovering your true path and purpose.

Celebrating Workshops
Workshop Length: 180 minutes
Experience the dance of all 7 chakras in one celebratory workshop. Guided by music and imagery resonating to the chakras, be taken on a dynamic dance journey through your own energy centres.There are two Celebrating Workshops (one running from Base to Crown, the other from Crown to Base). Each feels like a spiritual dance party. No judgment. Pure Freedom.
Private Workshops - Girls' Night In
Workshop Length: 90 minutes
Intro to Awakening - With this introductory workshop you will experience the dance of all 7 chakras with your favourite friends. Guided by music and imagery resonating to the chakras, you will be taken on a dynamic dance journey through your own energy centres. This workshop includes meditations, mandala art and a unique way to experience Chakradance in the privacy of your own stuidio or home. Workshops need to be held in venues with sufficient space for participants not to feel crowded, and in which music can be played fairly loud (it works best when the music can be felt vibrationally through the body, not just heard through the ears.
Take time out from your every-day life and experience the full magic of a Chakradance retreat. Chakradance Retreats offer wonderful opportunities to delve into your own chakra healing journey, relax, play, and share your experiences with like-minded people. Retreats can vary from weekends to week long Energy vacations to such places as Havana and Sedona.
Chakradance On Your Own
If you would lke to experience Chakradance on your own, in your own sacred space, you can order CD's and DVD's of Chakradance. Now you can dance your dreams whenever you want, where you want - clothing optional. Just make sure you use promo code CLAUDIA to receive your special discount. Please follow this link to Chakdradance Store. Dance like nobody's watching. Namaste, Claudia.