The Benefits of Chakra Meditation

The practice of meditation aligns the seven major chakras (which correspond to the body’s major endocrine glands) with the power of the environment and the universe. It is fairly simple to perform this meditation as long as one remembers to focus on one chakra at a time while having a clear mind.
Simply sit still with your spine upright and focus on the particular chakra while taking a deep slow breath. Start with focusing on the root chakra and working your way up slowly to the crown chakra. Make sure you are in a comfortable position without any surrounding distractions. As you focus on each of the chakra’s see beams of light shooting out of you and entering the earth, the idea is to feel a sense of connection with everything around you. Spend about 3-5 minutes per chakra and do not take more than 30 minutes overall.
Although results are not achievable in a short time, 30 minutes of daily meditation will reap many benefits. Among these are:
1. A more positive outlook in terms of your thought processes and in your perception and understanding of events and behaviours.
2. Increased concentration, awareness and memory.
3. Heightened creativity, better resourcefulness because of better perception.
4. Better and deeper sleep; you will awake more refreshed in the morning and overall health will also benefit by getting deeper sleep.
5. Reduction of stress in all areas of your life because you will have better control over your emotions and better patience.
6. Improved overall health and well-being. It helps to lower blood pressure which in turn can help prevent strokes and heart disease. It will also alleviate the stress effect on people suffering from chronic illnesses.
7. A balanced and harmonious interdependent functions of the body’s major chakras with one another is obtained. With that, the whole body’s biological, emotional, and spiritual aspects become more nourished and balance the body cleansing physical, emotional and spiritual toxins.
You will get the same benefits from Chakradance.